Monday, September 29, 2008

Too Much Thinking

I have been thinking about a boy all day long and it's driving me crazy. I'm just trying to NOT think about him, because I am pretty sure he is not thinking about me this way! I hate this feeling of becoming smitten because it always results in disappointment, sooner or later. Usually sooner, which I suppose is better. He's just so easy to be around, and it's easy to like him, and want to spend lots of time with him. Meanwhile he probably just thinks of me as a pal, someone to hang out with until he meets a girl he wants to date. Waah...poor me. Oh well. I should just enjoy and have fun, but no, my brain gets in the way. I thought someone as old as me wouldn't waste so much thinking about guys, but I also thought a lot of other things about getting older that aren't true. Like, that I'd never get pimples anymore. Ha! That's a good one.

He's coming over on Thursday on his motorcycle to take me to dinner and he's bringing a DVD. He thinks it's a travesty that I haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite.