Saturday, May 16, 2009

What's a Colorado Dingo, Anyway?

My most recent ex-boyfriend is on I know this because one of my friends informed me that her friend saw a photo of her on some guy's profile on Match. She asked me to guess whose profile it could possibly be - she told me the screen name was "coloradodingo". I had no idea. Well, it turns out to be Rob. And who else is in the photo with Rob and my friend? ME. I was first a bit amused, then shocked, then downright mad that he would use images of me and my friends in his efforts to meet ladies online. That is just wrong. My friend said maybe he was trying to make it seem like he has friends (he doesn't). I was definitely prepared to contact him and politely ask him to please remove any and all images of me and my friends from his online dating page. Luckily I didn't have to - when I got home and viewed his page, those photos weren't there. Maybe he thought about it and decided it wasn't such a good idea after all.

So of course I checked out his profile. He had 4 photos posted - two of which were taken by me in Lake Tahoe last September. The other two were of him and his Harley. Nice. It's kind of funny because I had remarked to myself and others that I didn't think Rob would have much success with online dating, if he were to try it, because the guy is just not photogenic. I mean, he's very attractive in person, but it was impossible to get a good photo of him. I have one - in three-plus months of dating - that turned out really nicely. My sense of this was proven true in the four pics he chose - they don't do him justice. He's also wearing shades in every photo.

Then there's his written profile. I knew he wasn't a gifted writer from the e-mails we'd exchanged. But the poor grammar and bad sentence structure in his profile made me cringe. OK, so I'm a grammar Nazi and this kind of stuff is important to me. But still. The content was also unimpressive. Essentially, if I hadn't known the guy and was just reading his profile, perusing through guys I might be interested in meeting, I'd never in a million years want to contact him based on his Match profile. Kinda sad, considering the huge amount of time I spent with the guy. Oh well. I had fun and now I've (we've) moved on.

I do think it's a little funny, though, that now I'm "spending time" with the Boytoy, who Rob met several times. Back then, I never would have thought that would happen. Naturally I fantasized about it...often...but not when I was with Rob (honest!).

Moral of the story - it's not OK to post photos of your ex (and/or their friends) on your online dating page. Oh, and guys? Maybe have someone read your written profile to check for errors before you post it.

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