Sunday, August 12, 2007


Based on the way my date with the hot dad went last weekend, I was pretty sure he was interested in me and that he would call me. All the signs were there. He complimented me on my appearance (he did not have to do this). He was the one who wanted to extend the date and keep it going. After dinner, he could have easily begged off with an excuse that he had to get up early the next morning for something or other. When I invited him in for dessert, he could have declined, after all, it was already 1 a.m. Then, when he was leaving, he said something about wanting to take me out again. Taking all of this into consideration, I don’t think it was unreasonable to expect a phone call. So I have compiled a list of possible reasons for why he has not called:

1. he got in a car accident on the way home to Folsom and was recovering in the hospital
2. assuming #1 is true, he has contracted amnesia and doesn’t remember a thing about me or our date
3. or, as a result of the accident, his cell phone was destroyed and he lost my number
4. let’s say there was no accident, but after thinking the evening over, he decided that I am way too beautiful/smart/funny for him and he is terribly intimidated by me
5. thus, he is going to check with Vanessa and see if she has any more friends to set him up with

Unfortunately, I’ll never know, unless he decides to share his reasoning with Vanessa. Oh well! Like I said before, at least it was fun and interesting night.

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