Friday, January 19, 2007

Younger Men

This topic is on my mind because I've gone on dates with two 25-year-old men in the last two weeks. My friend Blake, dear friend that he is, gives me a hard time about going out with younger men. I checked my records to see how strong the trend toward younger guys really is. Yes, I keep a journal that has a list of guys I've spent "quality" time with. (Does anyone else do this??) Interestingly, 20 of the last 30 guys I've "hung out" with have been younger than me. Some have been much younger (like 7-9 years younger) and some just a year or two. Nevertheless, this is an obvious theme in my dating life. I also noted that when I was younger, I almost exclusively went out with older men. It's an interesting reversal and I think it's pretty common among women my age who are still single.


Blake said...

Oh Michele. You know I never intend to give you a hard time. I only poke a little fun at you on occasion, especially when you experience trends like this current "M.K. LeTourneau" streak. Besides, you know better to take any criticism from a guy who's dating frequency rivals the number of Superbowls in a given year. I say you throw caution to the wind and live in the moment, repercussions be damned (too bad your dear friend can't practice what he preaches)! If you strike the fancy of a younger, gentleman caller, it's your duty to indulge that same appetite that made Mrs. Robinson so famous!

cindamen said...

Is it at all possible that the available men our age are dwindling?

VB said...

I say sign on w/eHarmony and re-connect w/Table for 6. This will increase the odds of meeting older (or same age) men. In my personal (past) dating experience, younger men suck!

Cherann said...

Ahhh. The infamous "List". reminiscent of the movie Reality Bites. I used to have one but it got retired and placed in a college album.

Please, Sacto girl just say no to younger men. If you need me to do an intervention on the next one-- I'm there.

Lyric said...

Youger guys rock! They are energetic and maleable-- meaning we can mold them into exactly what we want them to be. Like silly putty, my favorite childhood toy!